Life is challenging sometimes.
But if we treat it like a game, then it can be more fun more often.
And more fun means more happiness; which means better health and a better life.
So for health, wellbeing, happiness and success in life keep reading…
via Forbes by Remy Blumenfeld
A big part of my job as a coach is supporting clients to play the game of life with a sense of purpose, grace, and ease. Seeing life as a game isn’t always easy. However, in an age when robots will soon be able to do almost every job better than humans, being playful remains a uniquely human quality. Seeing life as a game will also make your life (and the lives of those around you) a whole lot lighter and more fun.
When you find your sense of playful grace and ease being challenged -perhaps you’re stressed by an exchange or exhausted by trying to perfect a task- it could be that you’re making whatever it is all about you. There may be some part of you that believes that delivering a positive outcome will mean you are not a loser. In other words, you are attached.
Overly Stressed? Stop Making It All About YouGETTY
1. It is possible to be committed, but not attached
When a client comes to me with an attached mindset of ‘I am this project/relationship. If it succeeds then I succeed, if it fails, I have failed,’ I try to help them see how they need not make the outcome all about them.
If you can say: ‘This project is my responsibility and I commit fully to a positive outcome, but whether it succeeds or fails will not impact who I am or how I see myself,’ this is being committed without being attached.
Being committed without being attached includes the possibility of experiencing lightness and fun
One of my favorite books is The Art Of Possibility written by two extraordinary authors: the Psychologist, Rosamund Stone Zander and her husband Benjamin, who is one of world’s preeminent orchestral conductors. It’s all about how to live a fuller, more creative, generous life. Rosamund and Benjamin don’t preach. The whole book is made up entirely of wonderfully told, funny, warm and engaging stories: little parables which have made The Art Of Possibility so popular with generative people everywhere. Like Rosamund and Benjamin Zander, I regard ALL people as creative. It’s another thing that separates us from Robots…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE
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