We spend a lot of time at work; so happiness at work is important.
And for happiness, positive relationships are important.
To create more happiness, at work and in life therefore, building real and meaningful workplace friendships is crucial…
by Inc.com by Marissa Levin
Work friendships are the secret weapon of workforce engagement strategies. Given that people spend an average of 50 hours a week at work, it’s important to like the people who surround you.
Harvard research found that while it can be somewhat tricky to navigate workplace friendships, ultimately it’s worth it. Companies reported higher productivity, engagement, and retention from employees who felt emotionally connected to their co-workers than those that stuck to themselves.
Officevibe conducted a study on the impact of work friendships and found strong evidence that close friendships at work are essential to personal happiness and career success:
- 70% of employees said friendships at work is the most crucial element to a happy working life.
- 74% of women surveyed said they would refuse a higher paying job if it meant working with difficult people. 58% of men said the same thing.
- 50% of employees that have a best friend at work reported that they feel a close connection to their company.
- 25% of employees reported an increase in morale for simple initiatives that encouraged collaboration, such as larger lunch tables.
- 1/3 of employees surveyed said they met one of their closest friends at work.
Office Friendships Decline with Age
The youngest workers are much more focused on workplace friendships. Generation Z’ers and millennials (between the age of 18 and 30) reported the highest percentage of workplace friendships (62%), while people in their early-to-mid 50s reported the lowest rates (50%).
This may be attributed to position, levels of responsibility, and competing personal demands at home, such as childcare or eldercare.
Strategies to Create Strong Friendships
In honor of International Friendship Day, here are 5 ways you can intentionally cultivate stronger work friendships to boost your own happiness and engagement levels…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE
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