My brand new 10-week Unstress Course is now open to join.
If you join during this period you also get free life-time access to all the material in my The Art of Relaxed Productivity program as a special bonus.
The registration to join this course will only be open for 5 days, until 1.00 p.m EDT (that’s 17.00 GMT) on Monday the 4th of June.
Click here to learn more and to join the course
I started working on this course last year but it all started about 6 years ago when I had simply had enough of all the stress dragging me down in life.
This course is filled with all the best things I’ve learned since that time.
The strategies, exercises and simple step-by-step methods that have helped me to stop stressing so much.
Each week of the course you’ll get a written guide, a worksheet to help you to gain a better understanding of your own situation and results as you go through the course and an audio version of that week’s guide that you can listen to anywhere when you need help to handle a stressful situation.
At the end of the weekly guide you’ll get just a few specific action-steps to take that week to minimize the risk of you feeling overwhelmed and getting lost in stress again.
Because I want as many as possible to not only to read the information. But also to take small steps forward each week to make a real and lasting change in their lives.
In this course you’ll for example learn how to:
- Understand the 7 basic reasons for why we get stressed. So you can understand yourself better and where you need to put your attention.
- Start your workday with a morning routine that only takes a couple of minutes but will reduce stressful distractions and situations greatly so that you can focus 100% on what you want and need to get done.
- Deal with one of my biggest stress factors in the past: financial stress. I’ll show you 6 habits and strategies that have really helped me out with that and helps me to this day to keep stress about money to a minimum.
- Stop being stuck in the same old rut of stress and feeling like you don’t have enough time and energy for what matters to you. And start living a lighter, happier and healthier life where you embrace who you deep down are and what YOU want out of your life.
And a whole lot more.
The window to join The Unstress Course closes at 1.00 p.m EDT (that’s 17.00 GMT) on Monday the 4th of June.
Click here to learn more about The Unstress Course and to enroll
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