Happiness is learning … learning from our mistakes and learning from others.
Happiness, then, can be something we observe and then integrate in to our own lives.
And who better to learn happiness from than someone who’s lived a long time and see it all?
via Inc.com
What life lessons did you learn from your grandparents or other elders in your community?originally appeared on Quora – the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.
Answer by Eva C. Reder, Co-Founder NomadApp & GrowthMasters, on Quora:
My grandfather Franz was born in 1924, grew up in rural Austria and lived through the Second World War. At only 19 years old and 110 lbs he was sent to war in Russia as one of the smallest and youngest soldiers in his group. He got shot through the shoulder and survived only because the cold Russian winter froze his wound.
The person I got to know is not that miserable 19-year old that got sent to the war in Russia. The person I know is full of life, generous beyond limits, and consistent and reliable like nobody else.
Let me share with you the main three lessons that he has taught me and the habits that have kept him happy, healthy and alive for 93 years.
1) The Power of Discipline and Routines
Day after day for years I would wake up to the gurgling sound of the old well in our backyard. My Opa’s morning routine starts at 7 am by washing himself with ice-cold water from the well. He does that with everything: He eats lunch at 12am every day, cuts wood in the fall, climbs up to the highest branch of the cherry tree in summer and buys the groceries every Tuesday and Friday.
He taught me that greatness doesn’t come from giving in to every single desire you might have in any given moment. Successful people are able to perform out of pure discipline because their WHY is strong enough to keep them going.
He has been exercising his discipline muscle for over 90 years and let me tell you: his habits have compounded and kept him alive.
Why I think this matters:
In a time when success can basically be reduced to the sum of your habits establishing routines and practicing discipline are key factors in achieving our goals. I, like many of us millennials, have been given everything: great education, world-class health-care, a loving family and financial stability.
There is no excuse to not become successful at whatever goal we set for ourselves.
The number one barrier is ourselves.
Discipline and consistency are the ingredients for success…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE
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