Thursday, December 28, 2017

If you think weight loss will bring you more happiness, try this instead…

In the early days of any New Year many people will be working on resolutions and goals that ultimately, they hope will bring them more happiness and success.

And one of the more common goals, supposed to bring more happiness, is weight loss.

But what if losing weight wasn’t the best way to bring about more happiness? What if something else would make you happier?

Well, according to this new research, “body acceptance” is probably a better way to go…

via PsychCentral by Traci Pederson

A new study at Florida State University (FSU) has strong advice if you want to enjoy greater mental and physical health this New Year: Lose the critical thoughts about your body.

Researchers witnessed dramatic results as they tested a new intervention primarily focused on body acceptance. The findings show that discarding your unattainable body ideals improves your mood, self-esteem, reduces disordered eating behaviors and may reduce the risk of self-injurious behavior.

“Consider what is really going to make you happier and healthier in 2018: losing 10 pounds or losing harmful attitudes about your body?” said FSU Professor Dr. Pamela Keel.

“There’s a big gap between what we’re shown as being ideal and what to aspire to and where we actually are as a population. That leaves people feeling bad about themselves, and, unfortunately, feeling bad about your body does not actually motivate a person to pursue healthy behavior,” she said.

Keel has spent her career researching body-image issues, and in particular, how they relate to eating disorders. She has found that body dissatisfaction is a pervasive problem in American culture, especially among young women…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE

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