Happiness is more complex than a simple quote might have us believe.
Happiness usually takes more than one line or a positive affirmation.
But the impetus we need to take positive action for happiness might will start with an inspirational saying; and here are some absolute crackers…
via Time.com
Inspirational quotes can be more than slogans on a Hallmark card. For high performers, they can be spiritual mantras, rallying cries, or guiding beacons. Leading entrepreneurs and advisors from The Oracles share the time-tested truisms that changed their lives.
1. “Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”

This quote speaks to the one trait all successful entrepreneurs share: the ability to pivot when things go wrong. High achievers don’t break their stride, even when failure is staring them right in the face; instead, they realize their setback only brings them one step closer to accomplishing their ultimate goal. All my best successes have come on the back of my greatest failures. —Dean Graziosi, multiple NYT-bestselling author, 16 years daily on TV, and one of the most watched real estate and success trainers of our generation; follow Dean on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram
2. “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

When I read this Nelson Mandela quote many years ago, I’d spent too much energy resenting someone who’d rewarded my many years of generosity with betrayal. It was constantly on my mind, and I had a hard time getting over it. Then, I figured if Mandela could spend 27 years in prison and not hate his enemies, I could do the same. —Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, podcast host of Business Unusual, and Sharkon “Shark Tank”
3. “Success is failure turned inside out.”

I keep this anonymous quote framed on the wall in my office. It’s a daily reminder to embrace failure instead of fearing it. Success is the inverse of failure, not the lack of it. You succeed when you take on an obstacle, and you flip it. First, you have to embrace the obstacle, though.
Sadly, most people are plain afraid to fail, so they never leave their comfort zones or attempt something challenging. Other people get so stuck in their past mistakes that they can’t learn from them.
Failure is a tremendous teacher. It encourages better thinking and forces you to look back and ask, “What went wrong?” It also shapes you as a person; it makes you resilient. It educates you in ways success simply can’t.—Dottie Herman, CEO of Douglas Elliman, a real estate brokerage empire with more than $27 billion in annual sales
…keep reading the full & original article HERE
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