Sunday, April 22, 2018

Is it time to change things up?

from my Monday Morning (free) eNewsletter (you can sign up HERE)

If you keep on doing what you’ve always done…

…you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got!

By definition, most of the people and organisations with whom I’ve worked over the last few years have, in one way or other, not been entirely satisfied with their current status quo.

The teams and organisations who’ve approached me have had problems with performance or culture; with engagement or the ability to manage change.

Similarly, the individuals to whom I’ve provided coaching and/or therapy have also been dissatisfied with one or more area of their lives.

Yet despite this, all too often, before they’ve come to me (and even sometimes afterwards!) they continue to try the same old strategies; which it goes without saying, are not and have not been working!

I’m happy to say that I’ve helped many individuals, couples, teams and organisations find new ways of doing things; although it needs to be stated that we shouldn’t change to the new just for the sake of it but rather, we should look to change if and when there are better, ideally when there are proven, evidence-based approaches that will in some way improve our changes of achieving our goals, of enjoying happiness and success.

And one of my proudest, recent examples of this is the work I did contributing to the SuperFastDiet program. Now I know not everyone reading this will be interested in weight loss or even weight management (although some will) but I mention this here because it’s a great example of an approach that’s DIFFERENT (intermittent fasting), FUN (and playful) and most importantly, EVIDENCE-BASED!

This week I invite you, therefore, to think about how you’re living your life and how you’re chasing your dreams and notably, whether your approach needs to DIFFERENT, whether it’s FUN and/or whether it’s supported by science! Because if not, a change may well be what you need.

…So that’s today’s mailing. Take some time to reflect upon the message and how it might apply to you. Check out, also, the links below for some additional readings and resources.

I hope it helps you enjoy some more happiness. Until next time…

Keep well & keep smiling
Tim Sharp (aka Dr Happy)

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