Monday, March 19, 2018

What if you could be 10 X happier just by adopting this 1 way of thinking?

We know certain thinking styles and attitudes are crucial for happiness and success.

We know happy and successful people think about the word in a fundamentally different way.

But how much difference does it really make?

Well this one attitude could potentially boost your happiness and success 10 times! So if that sounds interesting, keep reading…

via by J T O’Donnell

Imagine you’re in a classroom. The teacher announces an upcoming test will determine 100 percent of your grade and is going to be graded on a curve. That means, the worse other’s do compared to you, the better your grade will be. Would you help your classmates’ prepare? Studies show your answer is likely “no.” It’s called zero-sum thinking, i.e., when someone wins, someone else must lose. Unfortunately, many people look at life with zero-sum thinking — and it’s working against them.

When it comes to happiness and wealth, someone else’s gain is not your loss.

The problem with zero-sum thinking is it not only makes unhappy, unsuccessful people more miserable, it also can make moderately happy, successful people stop reaching for more happiness and success. How is that possible? Think of the last time something really great happened to you. Did you feel guilty? Did you stress over what others would think about your success? Did you play down your happiness for fear of a negative reaction from others? If so, then you let zero-sum thinking take over your mind. While I’m not suggesting you brag or lack humility, I am saying your reaction indicates you somehow felt like you were taking away from the success and happiness of those around you — and that is simply untrue…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE

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