Do you want more happiness and success in 2018?
Are you looking for answers?
If so, then happiness and success can be yours IF AND WHEN you find answers to these tough but essential questions…
via by Jessica Stillman
According to science, if you want to actually keep your New Year’s resolution, it’s better to start it February first. Why? Because the hubbub of celebrations and back-to-work chaos in January often gets in the way of thoughtful commitment to our goals.
Whether you take that advice or not, it points to a powerful truth. The holidays are actually a lousy time for serious reflection. There are just too many distractions. It’s a fact I’ve been reminded of this week. As the festive period ends, I’ve felt a creeping need for deeper consideration of the year just past and the one just starting.
What changes do I need to make? Am I using my time well? Are my values lined up with my actions? These are the types of questions that are tiptoeing into my head as things quiet down. But what’s the best way to dig into these tough but important matters?
Thankfully, my job offers me the perfect excuse to comb the internet for the best questions to spur deep and valuable thinking about how to position yourself for real success in the coming year. Here are some of the best I turned up:
1. What advice would your 80-year-old self give your current self?
Several coaches and experts suggest variations on this question, but perhaps its most famous proponent is Jeff Bezos. He decided to leave a lucrative career in banking to start Amazon by considering what his 80-year-old self would think of this life-changing decision. He concluded that while his imagined elderly Bezos would regret not giving his youthful dreams a shot, he wouldn’t be much bothered by trying and failing (science backs up Bezos’s intuition). Maybe imagining your future self can yield similar insights.
2. What one event, big or small, in the past year are you going to tell your grandchildren about?
Not all reflection is about goal setting. Sometimes what you need isn’t to change your life. Instead, it’s a new perspective on your current one. Was that horrible, terrible, really bad thing that happened to you this year actually as big a deal as you first imagined? Did the things (or purchases) that you expected to bring you joy actually do so? Are the things that you spend most of your time on actually the most important things? Answering this question — from the unlikely source of a fashion blog — might prove insightful…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE
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